The Yankee Barbareños
The Americanization of Santa Barbara County, California
1796 – 1925
Walker A. Tompkins
This long-awaited 527-page publication,
comprising eight “books,” presents
an account of the Americanization of Santa Barbara County from 1796 to 1925.
In addition to Tompkins’ text written in
the easy, familiar style readers have enjoyed over the years, the
8 1/2 by 11-size volume
includes over 300 illustrations, eight appendixes, a comprehensive bibliography,
and an extensive index.
Never before published, Tompkins'
first major local history has finally been launched. Harbored in the Santa Barbara
Public Library reference section since the 1960s, his manuscript has been
updated and augmented to give the golden region he loved another
look at its past.
out more»
